
Decorative mortars
It is recommended in rooms where high hygiene conditions are required.


870.00 din/kg

Italian word translatable as putty. Fine paste of micronized marble and acrylic binder. Designed to imitate high polished marble structures.

Known from the ancient Rome palaces, than through middle ages and renaissance... actually this is the oldest decorative technique. In its original it was made of slaked lime.

Super-perivost “Stuco” dekorativnog maltera garantuje lako održavanje uključujući i pranje deterdžentom. Zahvaljujući tom svojstvu trajnost ove posebne boje nije ograničena prljanjem i habanjem.

Neki naši poznati proizvođači su svojevremeno napravili zabunu na tržištu nazvavši svoj proizvod “Marmorino” dok se u stvarnosti i po italijanskoj nomenklaturi on mora zvati “Stuco”. Ta zabuna traje do današnjih dana…

It is recommended in rooms where high hygiene conditions are required.



Usually by spatula.


Ready to be used. It can de diluted with up to 10% of water.


1 kg for 1-2m2


1.7, 5, 8, 15 and 25kg.