Wall paints

decorative wall paints

A sort of very special architectural paints, designed to produce superb aesthetic, no mater if it is modern and extravagant or "classy" appearance. On the top of high class of aesthetic those special paints are characterized by easy to repair characteristics, even many years later. They are also known for class of "super wash ability" which is, for itself, important for easy and efficient maintenance.

Our Unique Production Process

White enamel

Emajl beli

High coverable glossy paint, arctic white. Designed for wood, metal and other substrates.

750.00 din/lit

Clear lacquer

Lak sjaj

Water diluted clear cote, designed for decoration and protection of wood and other substrates. Recognized for its superior characteristics of application.

720.00 din/lit

Super washable wall paint

Super periva

Superior coverage architectural paint, highest class of wash ability.

From 603.00 din/lit

Washable wall paint


High coverage water diluted matte architectural wall paint with high class of wash ability and great characteristics of application.

Već od 324.00 din/lit



Visokopokrivna vodorazrediva boja namenjena zaštiti i dekoraciji metala.

765.00 din/lit

Temeljna boja za drvo

Temeljna boja za drvo

Vodorazrediva mat temeljna boja za drvo. Odličnih svojstava nanošenja.

661.50 din/lit

Ultra Pigment

Ultra Pigment

Ultra-visokopokrivna vodorazrediva dekorativna zidna boja visoke klase perivosti i odličnih svojstava nanošenja.

624.00 din/lit



Namenjen je potpunoj zaštiti cigle, betona, kamena i drugih materijala u smislu svojstva vodoodbojnosti.

1,575.00 din/lit

Svilena Pasta

svilena pasta

Polutransparentna dekorativna i zaštitna pasta namenjena finom toniranju ravnih i reljefnih površina.

1,320.00 din/lit

Epoksi Smola

Epoksi Smola

Dvokomponentni sistem čiste epoksidne smole Odlična baza za bilo koji hobi ili profesionalni projekat.

1,627.50 din/lit

Mokri izgled

Mokri izgled

Namenjen je potpunoj zaštiti cigle, betona, kamena i drugih materijala u smislu vodoodbojnosti.

1,920.00 din/lit

Drvo impregnacija

drvo impregnacija

Vodorazredivi impregnant najnovije generacije, jedinstven na našem tržištu!

657.00 din/lit

Velatura Pasta

velatura pasta

Polutransparentna dekorativna i zaštitna pasta namenjena finom toniranju ravnih i reljefnih površina.

1,320.00 din/lit



Transparent to semi transparent decorative and protective lacquer designed to make ancient look of ordinary architectural paints or to accent relief of decorative plasters, brick and stone tiles.

885.00 din/lit



Classico is outstanding for many ways! It is aesthetically superb, yet not very gaudy, yet in same time glamurous.

2,775.00 din/lit



Lustro decorative wall paint is, with no doubt, the most popular of all! It is glamorous and easy to apply.

2,250.00 din/lit



Special base coat for application of decorative paints and mortars

603.00 din/lit

Lustro matte

Lustro mat

Identical to "Lustro" with one difference: for it matte surface pearly effect is more delicate and classy.

2,250.00 din/lit

Stuco Vax

stuco vax

Polutransparentna dekorativna i zaštitna pasta namenjena davanja završnog, transparentnog, glatkog i sjajnog sloja.

1,320.00 din/kg



It is recommended in rooms where high hygiene conditions are required.

870.00 din/kg



It is recommended in rooms where high hygiene conditions are required.

414.00 din/kg



Simmilar to Marmorino with one difference: Travertino decorative plaster have bigger size marble particles. For that reason it is designed to imitate somewhat rougher structures of natural Travertine.

414.00 din/kg



Very fine decorative plaster with special quartz filler.

720.00 din/lit



Very fine decorative plaster with special quartz filler, fine and large particle pearlescent pigments.

Već od 1,588.50 din/lit

We Recommend


Super-washable "Velatura" guarantee easy maintenance, on the top of its superior aesthetics.

In order to get superb aesthetic through high contrast, middle to dark tone Velatura (e.g. beige, brown, black...) have to be applied onto light color wall and vice versa.